Friday, February 15, 2008

Entertainment art in newspapers

Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I love when newspapers go all out for movie reviews and other entertainment-related stories. The results, at least from an artistic standpoint, are often incredible.

It's not always feasible, or a wise idea, to dedicate a majority of a section front page or even the entire section front page to something like a movie. But sometimes blockbusters come along that allow graphic designers and page designers to flex their creative muscles and produce fantastic results like this:

The ability to create fantastic artwork to accompany stories is one advantage traditional print media still have over the internet -- so far. Most newspapers, for various reasons, may run special artwork with the print edition but not use that artwork on their web sites. This may change in the future. For now, though, one wonders why newspapers don't make better use of one of the only advantages they still have in a changing world.

(Note: these pages can all be found on, a site I plugged in an earlier post. I can't recommend strongly enough heading over there and browsing the site, which is constantly being updated with new images.)


Bronson said...

I agree that newspapers have characteristics that cannot be duplicated on the internet. There's something rewarding about holding a print edition of a paper in your hands and looking over different bits of info the "Old-fashioned" way. I bet that'll exist for many years to come, but they'll find a way to adapt that. Kindle has gotten much buzz, but until that comes with more features -- a color screen and more efficient layout -- I don't think paper editions will go away anytime soon. On the topic of design, I'l throw in my two cents. Mexico has some nifty papers -- Excelsior for its design, of which I was somewhat inspired in doing the Reporter's new design, but not so great in its reporting, and La Jornada, which is basic and efficient in design but has the best reporting in Mexico.

EMM said...

I also think there's something special about seeing a print edition that you just know you'll be saving because of its front page.

I also appreciate the website tip, Derek. And thanks for your suggestions for two Mexican newspapers to check out, Bronson.

EMM said...

So, I understood the following words from La Jornada: videos, RSS and Viva Castro.