Friday, January 18, 2008


Hello and welcome to The Peanut Gallery.  This blog was originally started as an assignment for Ellen Mrja's Journalist U class.  

I understand members of the class will need to comment on various articles and topics. I may post occasionally on other topics or issues as well.  We'll see.  I note my colleagues in the MSU Reporter sports department have started plugging their blogs in the paper, which I think is a neat idea.  It'd be kind of neat if other sections did that, too.  Once again, we'll see.

The last time I had an assignment similar to this was when I was a PSEO student taking English Comp three years ago.  The guy teaching the class had us all start our own Livejournals and one of our assignments was to update and post on our Livejournals through the semester.  (Unfortunately, the class was pretty much a joke.  And to make things worse, it was an 8 a.m. class. On Saturdays. I am not kidding you.)

I'm certain this class will be much more educational than that one was.  I'm just bringing the Livejournal assignment up because I always thought it -- like this -- was a unique assignment. It was also entertaining.  By the end of the semester, some of the students were practically pouring their hearts out on these Livejournals, venting about their significant others -- you get the idea.  I sometimes wondered if they had forgotten everyone else in the class could see what they were writing.

But I digress.  The real point I'm trying to make: stay tuned.

1 comment:

EMM said...

Hey, Derek.

Nice blog design..especially the photo and motto.

You're right..I hope everyone in JournalistU keeps their posts and comments relevant to the course. These aren't really personal blogs, although by definition most blogs have personal elements in them. What we're trying for is more like an opinion column than a "Dear Diary" entry.